Fast Food Workers Organize National Day To Strike For Higher Wages

CHICAGO, IL - SEPTEMBER 04: Demonstrators sit inside a police wagon after being arrested during a protest calling for an increase in wages for fast food and home care workers after they staged a sit-in on 87th Street during the morning rush hour on September 4, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois. Nineteen protestors were arrested at the demonstration. The demonstration was one of many staged nationwide in a push to increase wages to $15-per-hour for the workers. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)
CHICAGO, IL - SEPTEMBER 04: Demonstrators sit inside a police wagon after being arrested during a protest calling for an increase in wages for fast food and home care workers after they staged a sit-in on 87th Street during the morning rush hour on September 4, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois. Nineteen protestors were arrested at the demonstration. The demonstration was one of many staged nationwide in a push to increase wages to $15-per-hour for the workers. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)
Fast Food Workers Organize National Day To Strike For Higher Wages
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Crédits :
Scott Olson / Employé
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Getty Images News
Date de création :
4 septembre 2014
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Source :
Getty Images North America
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