School pupil talks about her packed lunch, UK; 1981

A secondary school (high school) pupil talks about her packed lunch, saying, 'Well I'm not hungry when I go home. It satisfies me, I don't feel hungry in the afternoon.' Pupils at the school have been filmed eating packed lunches as part of an item about healthy eating, nutrition and balanced diets. UK; 1981. (BBC News BSL Rushes - 13/10/1981 - AEXZ288W)
A secondary school (high school) pupil talks about her packed lunch, saying, 'Well I'm not hungry when I go home. It satisfies me, I don't feel hungry in the afternoon.' Pupils at the school have been filmed eating packed lunches as part of an item about healthy eating, nutrition and balanced diets. UK; 1981. (BBC News BSL Rushes - 13/10/1981 - AEXZ288W)
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Editorial - n° :
Collection :
BBC Editorial
Date de création :
13 octobre 1981
Date de chargement :
Type de licence :
Droits clé en main
Infos autorisations :
Autorisation non disponible. Plus d'infos
Durée de la vidéo :
Lieu :
United Kingdom
Format d'origine :
QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 25p
Source :
BBC Editorial
Référence :