Woman Beating Man in a Game of Croquet

(Original Caption) The game gets underway. Jane drives her ball through a wicket and it looks like she is going to teach Lionel a lesson the hard way. ACME ROTO SERVICE FOR RELEASE SUNDAY, SEPT. 4, OR SATURDAY, SEPT. 3, TO PAPERS NOT HAVING SUNDAY EDITION.
(Original Caption) The game gets underway. Jane drives her ball through a wicket and it looks like she is going to teach Lionel a lesson the hard way. ACME ROTO SERVICE FOR RELEASE SUNDAY, SEPT. 4, OR SATURDAY, SEPT. 3, TO PAPERS NOT HAVING SUNDAY EDITION.
Woman Beating Man in a Game of Croquet
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Pas d'utilisation commerciale sans autorisation. Contactez votre agence locale.
Crédits :
Bettmann / Contributeur
Editorial - n° :
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Date de création :
1 janvier 1900
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Infos autorisations :
Autorisation non disponible. Plus d'infos
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Taille max. de fichier :
2473 x 3118 px (20,94 x 26,40 cm) - 300 dpi - 5 MB