vidéos et rushes de u.s. president john f. kennedy is assassinated as he rides in a motorcade with his wife in dallas, texas. - assassination of john f kennedy00:29
vidéos et rushes de spectators in dallas and across the nation react to the assassination of president john f. kennedy. - assassination of john f kennedy00:29
vidéos et rushes de / people in dallas waiting for jfk to pass by / jfk and jackie kennedy in convertible, talking to governor john connally moments before jfk's... - assassination of john f kennedy00:34
vidéos et rushes de gunshots wound u.s. president john f. kennedy as he rides in a motorcade with his wife jacqueline kennedy in dallas, texas, on november 22, 1963. - assassination of john f kennedy01:08
vidéos et rushes de john + jacqueline kennedy riding in convertible in motorcade / dallas / newsreel - assassination of john f kennedy00:11
vidéos et rushes de police car stopping + man getting out + running / kennedy assassination / dallas - assassination of john f kennedy00:04
vidéos et rushes de close up over-the-shoulder newspaper headlines "president dead. shot by assassin" / kennedy's assassination - assassination of john f kennedy00:01
vidéos et rushes de outtakes from "the last two days," a film documenting the last two days in the life of president john f. kennedy, shot by white house personnel:... - assassination of john f kennedy02:37
vidéos et rushes de u.s. president john f. kennedy and his wife jacqueline smile as they disembark from air force one in dallas, texas, an hour before his assassination. - assassination of john f kennedy00:19
vidéos et rushes de outtakes from "the last two days," a film documenting the last two days in the life of president john f. kennedy, shot by white house personnel: u.s.... - assassination of john f kennedy02:14
vidéos et rushes de united states presidential motorcade traveling through downtown dallas, dealey plaza, president j.f.k. & others riding in uncovered limousine,... - assassination of john f kennedy00:13
vidéos et rushes de sequence showing staff at the us embassy in london watching bbc television coverage of a memorial for president john f. kennedy in a small theatre... - assassination of john f kennedy00:03
vidéos et rushes de military honor guards escort the flag-draped coffin of president john f. kennedy during his funeral. - assassination of john f kennedy00:42
vidéos et rushes de chaotic scenes among police officers and journalists as lee harvey oswald is loaded onto a stretcher and into an ambulance after he was shot in... - assassination of john f kennedy00:20
vidéos et rushes de john f kennedy assassinated, arrival at dallas airport, motorcade, immediate aftermath of shooting. - assassination of john f kennedy01:09
vidéos et rushes de home movie of school children presenting the tragic news of president john f. kennedy's assassination as printed in the local chicago newspapers. - assassination of john f kennedy00:13
vidéos et rushes de john f. kennedy and first lady arrive at love field in texas. later in the day, the president would be assassinated while riding in his motorcade. - assassination of john f kennedy01:07
vidéos et rushes de people greeting john + jacqueline kennedy at dallas airport / newsreel - assassination of john f kennedy00:08
vidéos et rushes de / jackie kennedy walking down steps escorted by robert and edward kennedy / mrs kennedy precedes her husband's coffin as it leaves the capitol... - assassination of john f kennedy01:29
vidéos et rushes de jacqueline kennedy's bouquet of flowers in back seat of car / jfk assassination - assassination of john f kennedy00:05
vidéos et rushes de spectators in dallas and across the nation react to the assassination of president john f. kennedy. - assassination of john f kennedy00:29
vidéos et rushes de men running from police car / kennedy assassination / dallas / newsreel - assassination of john f kennedy00:01
vidéos et rushes de newsreel report on the assassination of john f. kennedy composed in this first part of library footage of the president and his family. including:... - assassination of john f kennedy01:07
vidéos et rushes de u.s. president john f. kennedy sits with his wife and children on a white house balcony in the last family picture before his assassination. - assassination of john f kennedy00:19
vidéos et rushes de newsreel report on the assassination of john f. kennedy. kennedy arrives in dallas by plane with wife jacqueline and the pair are greeted by locals.... - assassination of john f kennedy00:52
vidéos et rushes de john f. kennedy assassination: sequence of motorcade povs from the press pool car driving through the smiling and waving crowds on the streets of... - assassination of john f kennedy00:10
vidéos et rushes de martin luther king jr. at 1964 rally talks about jfk's stance on civil rights and his assassination at the illinois "i have a dream" civil rights... - assassination of john f kennedy02:26
vidéos et rushes de president john and jackie kennedy arrive in dallas, texas to massive crowds, shakes hands, get in car. - assassination of john f kennedy00:58
vidéos et rushes de preview content for research purposes only. note: not all content may be available for licensing. this content must be licensed via the offline... - assassination of john f kennedy01:04:51
vidéos et rushes de clock showing 12:25 pm. vs motorcade escorting presidential limousine w/ j.f.k., wife jacqueline kennedy, texas governor john connally & wife nellie... - assassination of john f kennedy00:22
vidéos et rushes de john + jacqueline kennedy shaking hands with people at dallas airport / newsreel - assassination of john f kennedy00:03
vidéos et rushes de texas school book depository building. vs motorcade escorting presidential limousine w/ j.f.k. & others through dealey plaza, passing street... - assassination of john f kennedy00:23
vidéos et rushes de people buying + reading newspapers at newsstand on sidewalk after jfk's assassination - assassination of john f kennedy00:02
vidéos et rushes de spectators mourn outside parkland memorial hospital as police guard the emergency entrance. - assassination of john f kennedy00:18
vidéos et rushes de large crowd gathers at arlington national cemetery before the burial of u.s. president john f. kennedy. - assassination of john f kennedy01:42
vidéos et rushes de eternal flame memorial burning at john f. kennedy grave site; 1976 - assassination of john f kennedy00:21
vidéos et rushes de woman learning of jkf's death putting hand on mouth + crying outdoors / newsreel - assassination of john f kennedy00:06
vidéos et rushes de woman crying outdoors after john kennedy's assassination / newsreel - assassination of john f kennedy00:02
vidéos et rushes de policemen standing outside of hospital / kennedy assassination / dallas - assassination of john f kennedy00:02
vidéos et rushes de crowd on street corner looking at kennedy's hospital / assassination / dallas - assassination of john f kennedy00:02
vidéos et rushes de accused murderer lee harvey oswald is mobbed by reporters asking questions after his arrest for the assassination of president john f kennedy . he... - assassination of john f kennedy00:20
vidéos et rushes de policeman in uniform holding gun looking up / kennedy assassination / dallas - assassination of john f kennedy00:01
vidéos et rushes de policemen with guns walking up stairs entering building / kennedy assassination - assassination of john f kennedy00:02
vidéos et rushes de newsreel report on the assassination of john f. kennedy. lyndon b. johnson is sworn in as president on air force one. the plane arrives in washington... - assassination of john f kennedy01:37
vidéos et rushes de ext houses of parliament with flag at half mast; 1963 - assassination of john f kennedy00:08
vidéos et rushes de president john f kennedy's body lies in state / jackie kennedy and children, caroline and john jr, attorney general robert f kennedy and members of... - assassination of john f kennedy01:15
vidéos et rushes de outtakes from "the last two days," a film documenting the last two days in the life of president john f. kennedy, shot by white house personnel:... - assassination of john f kennedy01:36
vidéos et rushes de / crowds running to hear speech, large crowd gathered, president and jackie kennedy walk onto outdoor stage, jackie stands with lyndon johnson, stage... - assassination of john f kennedy01:53
vidéos et rushes de sequence of shaky camera shots of the crowd's reaction and fear after president john f. kennedy had been assassinated in dealey plaza, dallas, usa;... - assassination of john f kennedy00:09
vidéos et rushes de the casket of john f. kennedy is carried to the caisson outside st. matthew's cathedral. jacqueline kennedy and children caroline and john watch as... - assassination of john f kennedy02:52
vidéos et rushes de mrs jackie kennedy and attendants pay respects to president kennedy before his coffin leaves the capitol building / soldiers lift the president's... - assassination of john f kennedy01:26
vidéos et rushes de newsreel reporting on the accused assassin of president john f. kennedy, lee harvey oswald, being shot by jack ruby during a jail transfer in dallas,... - assassination of john f kennedy00:50
vidéos et rushes de a steady stream of mourners passes by the grave of assassinated u.s. president john f. kennedy at arlington national cemetery. - assassination of john f kennedy00:16
vidéos et rushes de john + jacqueline kennedy exiting air force one + descending stairs / dallas - assassination of john f kennedy00:06
vidéos et rushes de medium pan left following princess lee radziwill, sister of jackie kennedy, getting out of a limousine and boarding a passenger plane the day after... - assassination of john f kennedy00:16
vidéos et rushes de / large crowd gathered, many cameramen shooting / jfk gives speech dedicating the brooks aerospace medical division. - assassination of john f kennedy02:43
vidéos et rushes de re-enactment of the assassination of u.s. president john f. kennedy as conducted by the secret service and the warren commission. tracking shot of... - assassination of john f kennedy00:24
vidéos et rushes de man + policemen examining kennedy's car after assassination / dallas / newsreel - assassination of john f kennedy00:02
vidéos et rushes de sequence showing president john f. kennedy's open top motorcade driving through waving crowds in san antonio, texas, the day before his... - assassination of john f kennedy00:14
vidéos et rushes de jacqueline kennedy stands with her children and kennedy brothers during the funeral procession of john f. kennedy. - assassination of john f kennedy00:25
vidéos et rushes de woman crying outdoors after john kennedy's assassination / newsreel - assassination of john f kennedy00:01
vidéos et rushes de policeman + others outdoors after kennedy's assassination / dallas / newsreel - assassination of john f kennedy00:02
vidéos et rushes de medium shot of an unknown american male passenger at a london airport being asked for his reaction to the news of president john f. kennedy's... - assassination of john f kennedy00:44