President Biden says global consensus needed against climate change because others emit majority
President Joe Biden tells a joint session of Congress that there was no wall high enough to keep any virus out, vaccine supply growing to meet needs have become an arsenal for vaccines for other countries just as America was an arsenal for democracy in the world, every American would have access before that occurred to be fully covered against coronavirus, but the crime it climate crisis not a US fight alone but a global fight, the United States counting for less than 15 percent of carbon emissions, his commitment to rejoin the Paris Accord because if America did everything perfectly that would not matter, keeping his commitment to convene a climate summit with all the major economies of the world like China, Russia, India, the European Union as he had in his first 100 days, to be very blunt that his attempt was to make sure the world could see there was a consensus of being at an inflection point in history, the consensus that if all acted to save the planet, millions of jobs to be created an opportunity raised for standard of living almost everywhere.
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Crédits :
Editorial - n° :
Collection :
Date de création :
28 avril 2021
Date de chargement :
Type de licence :
Droits clé en main
Infos autorisations :
Autorisation non disponible. Plus d'infos
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Lieu :
Washington, DC, United States
Format d'origine :
MPEG-4 8-bit H.264 HD 1280x720 59.94p
Source :
Référence :
- Climat,
- Joseph Biden,
- Changement climatique,
- Fédération de Russie,
- Sommet - Réunion,
- Audio disponible en ligne,
- Besoin,
- COVID-19,
- Compter,
- Congrès,
- Congrès américain,
- Coronavirus,
- Crimes et délits,
- Croissance,
- Discours sur l'état de l'Union,
- Démocratie,
- Effort,
- Europe,
- Film - Image animée,
- Finance et économie,
- Format HD,
- Format Raw,
- Histoire,
- Image en couleur,
- Inde,
- Lieux géographiques,
- Matériau,
- Minéraux,
- Mondial,
- Opportunité,
- Pandémie,
- Planète,
- Point d'inflexion,
- Politique,
- Politique et gouvernement,
- Président,
- Président des États-Unis,
- Questions sociales,
- Routine,
- Réunion commune,
- S'impliquer à fond,
- Santé et médecine,
- Signe pourcentage,
- Style de vie,
- Séance conjointe du Congrès américain,
- Sénat des États-Unis,
- Tous types de crises,
- Union Européenne,
- Vaccin,
- Vaccin contre la Covid-19,
- Vidéo en temps réel,
- Virus,
- Washington DC,
- Économie,
- Émoussé,
- États-Unis,