Two touring bikes at Okshornan on Senja, Norway - Photos

Two touring bicycles at Tungeneset looking towards the row of peaks called Okshornan (the Bull horns) on Senja, an island on the coast of Northern Norway. Tungeneset is a rest stop along the national tourist route on Senja, and also part of a cycling route that follows the coast of Norway.
Two touring bicycles at Tungeneset looking towards the row of peaks called Okshornan (the Bull horns) on Senja, an island on the coast of Northern Norway. Tungeneset is a rest stop along the national tourist route on Senja, and also part of a cycling route that follows the coast of Norway.
Two touring bikes at Okshornan on Senja, Norway
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Getty ImagesTwo Touring Bikes At Okshornan On Senja Norway, PhotoTwo Touring Bikes At Okshornan On Senja Norway, PhotoTéléchargez des photos Two touring bikes at Okshornan on Senja, Norway premium authentiques avec Getty Images. Découvrez des photos haute résolution similaires dans notre vaste catalogue visuel.Product #:500898283
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Moment Open
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5199 x 3450 px (44,02 x 29,21 cm) - 300 dpi - 11 MB
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Berg, Norway
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