The Rosenlaui Valley - Photos

Panorama of the Rosenlaui Valley (also called Reichenbachtal) looking towards the Wetterhorn. Lots of cyclists use this road, cars are allowed up to a certain point after which it's only post busses that can drive all the way to Grindelwald.
Panorama of the Rosenlaui Valley (also called Reichenbachtal) looking towards the Wetterhorn. Lots of cyclists use this road, cars are allowed up to a certain point after which it's only post busses that can drive all the way to Grindelwald.
The Rosenlaui Valley
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Getty ImagesThe Rosenlaui Valley, PhotoThe Rosenlaui Valley, PhotoTéléchargez des photos The Rosenlaui Valley premium authentiques avec Getty Images. Découvrez des photos haute résolution similaires dans notre vaste catalogue visuel.Product #:516129855
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Moment Open
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8063 x 4336 px (68,27 x 36,71 cm) - 300 dpi - 25 MB
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Lieu :
Meiringen, Canton of Berne, Switzerland
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