Hiorne Folly Tower et mur d’enceinte, Arundel, West Sussex - Photos
Hiorne Folly Tower, Arundel, West Sussex, England. Hiorne Tower is a Grade II listed building, built around 1787 for the Duke of Norfolk. The tower is a 50ft-high triangular structure in Gothic revival style with three octagonal corner turrets made in flint and stone chequer-work with pointed and mullioned windows. The folly overlooks the valley of Pughdean, Swanbourne Lake and the sweeping South Downs at Arundel. Arundel is an ancient market town built at a bridge point over the River Arun, with a skyline dominated by the huge Arundel Castle - built by the Normans - and the Gothic revival architecture of Arundel Cathedral which overlooks the meadows and grasses of the fertile South Downs
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Catégories :
- Angleterre,
- Antique,
- Architecture,
- Arundel,
- Bâtiment vu de l'extérieur,
- Caractéristiques d'une construction,
- Château,
- Culture britannique,
- Ensoleillé,
- Fenêtre,
- Folie - Structure bâtie,
- Forteresse,
- Habitation,
- Histoire,
- Histoire ancienne,
- Horizon urbain,
- Horizontal,
- Image en couleur,
- Lieu touristique,
- Monts South Downs,
- Mur de pierres,
- Muraille,
- Nuage,
- Octogone,
- Photographie,
- Pierre - Matériau de construction,
- Prairie,
- Prise de vue en extérieur,
- Roc,
- Royaume-Uni,
- Sans personnage,
- Silex - Chaille,
- Structure bâtie,
- Style gothique,
- Sussex,
- Tour - Structure bâtie,
- Triangle - Forme bidimensionnelle,
- Vieux,
- West Sussex,
- À carreaux,
- Élevé,
- Élégance,