Femme alpiniste sur une paroi rocheuse - Photos

Caucasian female athletic blond rock climber on the sheer face of a granite cliff reaching up with her hands to gain more heights. Subject is wearing all the appropriate climbing gear such as belts and carabiners to manage the safety rope. There is ample copy space for titles and other design elements.
Caucasian female athletic blond rock climber on the sheer face of a granite cliff reaching up with her hands to gain more heights. Subject is wearing all the appropriate climbing gear such as belts and carabiners to manage the safety rope. There is ample copy space for titles and other design elements.
Femme alpiniste sur une paroi rocheuse
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385,00 €
Getty ImagesFemme Alpiniste Sur Une Paroi Rocheuse, PhotoFemme Alpiniste Sur Une Paroi Rocheuse, PhotoTéléchargez des photos Femme alpiniste sur une paroi rocheuse premium authentiques avec Getty Images. Découvrez des photos haute résolution similaires dans notre vaste catalogue visuel.Product #:171587588
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3284 x 4926 px (27,80 x 41,71 cm) - 300 dpi - 12 MB
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