Cross section - Xylem is a type of tissue in vascular plants that transports water and some nutrients. Scientific research. Plant tissue StructureImmunofluorescent photomicrograph, Organs samples, Histological examination, histopathology on the microscope - Photos
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Getty ImagesCross Section Xylem Is A Type Of Tissue In Vascular Plants That Transports Water And Some Nutrients Scientific Research Plant Tissue Structureimmunofluorescent Photomicrograph Organs Samples Histological Examination Histopathology On The Microscope, Photo
Téléchargez des photos Cross section - Xylem is a type of tissue in vascular plants that transports water and some nutrients. Scientific research. Plant tissue StructureImmunofluorescent photomicrograph, Organs samples, Histological examination, histopathology on the microscope premium authentiques avec Getty Images. Découvrez des photos haute résolution similaires dans notre vaste catalogue visuel.Product #:1310051121

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- Cellule,
- Grossissement,
- Analyser,
- Microscope,
- Foie - Organe interne,
- Cerveau,
- Maladie,
- Anatomie,
- Cellule souche,
- Ordre,
- Physiologie,
- Recherche scientifique,
- Santé et médecine,
- Betterave,
- Recherche,
- Science,
- Tissu humain,
- Biopsie,
- Consultation médicale,
- Microscopie,
- Sans personnage,
- Biologie,
- Botanique,
- Cambium,
- Condition,
- Histologie,
- Horizontal,
- Image en couleur,
- Microphotographie immunofluorescente,
- Médicament,
- Nature,
- Niveau de scolarisation,
- Organe interne humain,
- Photographie,
- Structure bâtie,
- Tissu,
- États-Unis,