Common industrial poussière - Photos

Technically, this image is not a photograph, since it was not originated by light ("photo") but by an electron beam: the image was captured by an Hitachi ultra-high-resolution Analytical FE Scanning Electron Microscope SU-70. it is a huge magnification of the common dust of industrial outdoor environments. Badly for us, this dust is rich in polluting and corrosive elements, such as chlorine and sulphur.
Technically, this image is not a photograph, since it was not originated by light ("photo") but by an electron beam: the image was captured by an Hitachi ultra-high-resolution Analytical FE Scanning Electron Microscope SU-70. it is a huge magnification of the common dust of industrial outdoor environments. Badly for us, this dust is rich in polluting and corrosive elements, such as chlorine and sulphur.
Common industrial poussière
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Getty ImagesCommon Industrial Poussire, PhotoCommon Industrial Poussire, PhotoTéléchargez des photos Common industrial poussière premium authentiques avec Getty Images. Découvrez des photos haute résolution similaires dans notre vaste catalogue visuel.Product #:136717746
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