Bentalls Pipps Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, Royaume-Uni. - Photos

Aerial photo from a drone of Bentalls Pipps Industrial Estate in Basildon, Essex. An entertainment complex with a cinema, bowling, wakeboarding, nightclubs, bars and restaurants. Captured in November 2022.
Aerial photo from a drone of Bentalls Pipps Industrial Estate in Basildon, Essex. An entertainment complex with a cinema, bowling, wakeboarding, nightclubs, bars and restaurants. Captured in November 2022.
Bentalls Pipps Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, Royaume-Uni.
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Getty ImagesBentalls Pipps Industrial Estate Basildon Essex Royaumeuni, PhotoBentalls Pipps Industrial Estate Basildon Essex Royaumeuni, PhotoTéléchargez des photos Bentalls Pipps Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, Royaume-Uni. premium authentiques avec Getty Images. Découvrez des photos haute résolution similaires dans notre vaste catalogue visuel.Product #:1440494519
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