Bert Schneider Giving Acceptance Speech During Academy Awards
A minor flap occurred at the 47th Annual Academy Awards presentations when Bert Schneider, coproducer of the winning documentary film Hearts and Minds reads a telegram reportedly from the North Vietnamese Provisional Revolutionary Government in Paris, in which they ask that all their friends in America should be recognized for all they have done in behalf of peace. Later in the show, Frank Sinatra said he had been asked to make a statement on behalf of the Academy.
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Date de création :
8 avril 1975
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4127 x 2757 px (34,94 x 23,34 cm) - 300 dpi - 5 MB
- 47e Cérémonie des Oscars,
- Paris - France,
- Statuette des Oscars,
- Zen,
- 1970-1979,
- Adulte,
- Amitié,
- Art du spectacle,
- Arts Culture et Spectacles,
- Cadrage à la taille,
- Conférencier,
- Cérémonie des Oscars,
- D'archive,
- D'ascendance européenne,
- Demander,
- Deux personnes,
- Discours de remerciement,
- Dorothy Chandler Pavilion,
- Film cinématographique,
- Film documentaire - Film,
- Gagner,
- Hommes,
- Industrie du cinéma,
- Lire,
- Performance,
- Personne humaine,
- Podium,
- Portrait - Image,
- Prise de vue en intérieur,
- Producteur,
- Présentation - Discours,
- Regarder vers le bas,
- Scène de théâtre,
- Télégramme,
- Être célèbre,