Dépendance au tabac, cigarettes, vapotage, cigarettes électroniques et cesser de fumer Icônes de ligne mince - Trait modifiable - Illustrations

A set of smoking addiction, cigarettes, vaping, e-cigarettes and quitting smoking icons that include editable strokes or outlines using the EPS vector file. The icons include a person smoking a cigarette while wearing a patch to help him stop the habit, hands tied to addiction of smoking, hand holding an e-cigarette, smoker being crushed by cigarette representing addiction, sad person with head down vaping, person depressed with smoking addiction, cigarette, person with lung cancer from smoking, person offering support to smoker by putting arm around shoulder, human brain and addiction, person covering nose and mouth due to cigarette smoke, smoker holding a help sign to quit smoking, stop smoking sign, electronic cigarette, x-ray of a set of human lungs with cancer from smoking habit, smoker holding chest in pain, person sitting at bedside coughing due to the affects of smoking, person coughing from vaping and smoking, no vaping, hand holding a cigarette lighter, smoker getting a check-up from doctor, doctor holding up an x-ray of a set of human lungs, person holding sign showing the repeating cycle of addiction, person in fetal position with e-cigarette looming overhead, hand holding a crushed cigarette in open hand, person tied to addiction, person holding neck in pain from smoking addiction and a person attempting to quit smoking.
A set of smoking addiction, cigarettes, vaping, e-cigarettes and quitting smoking icons that include editable strokes or outlines using the EPS vector file. The icons include a person smoking a cigarette while wearing a patch to help him stop the habit, hands tied to addiction of smoking, hand holding an e-cigarette, smoker being crushed by cigarette representing addiction, sad person with head down vaping, person depressed with smoking addiction, cigarette, person with lung cancer from smoking, person offering support to smoker by putting arm around shoulder, human brain and addiction, person covering nose and mouth due to cigarette smoke, smoker holding a help sign to quit smoking, stop smoking sign, electronic cigarette, x-ray of a set of human lungs with cancer from smoking habit, smoker holding chest in pain, person sitting at bedside coughing due to the affects of smoking, person coughing from vaping and smoking, no vaping, hand holding a cigarette lighter, smoker getting a check-up from doctor, doctor holding up an x-ray of a set of human lungs, person holding sign showing the repeating cycle of addiction, person in fetal position with e-cigarette looming overhead, hand holding a crushed cigarette in open hand, person tied to addiction, person holding neck in pain from smoking addiction and a person attempting to quit smoking.
Dépendance au tabac, cigarettes, vapotage, cigarettes électroniques et cesser de fumer Icônes de ligne mince - Trait modifiable
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Getty ImagesDpendance Au Tabac Cigarettes Vapotage Cigarettes Lectroniques Et Cesser De Fumer Icnes De Ligne Mince Trait Modifiable, PhotoDpendance Au Tabac Cigarettes Vapotage Cigarettes Lectroniques Et Cesser De Fumer Icnes De Ligne Mince Trait Modifiable, PhotoTéléchargez des illustrations Dépendance au tabac, cigarettes, vapotage, cigarettes électroniques et cesser de fumer Icônes de ligne mince - Trait modifiable premium authentiques avec Getty Images. Découvrez des illustrations haute résolution similaires dans notre vaste catalogue visuel.Product #:1498732014
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