Nerve damage in multiple sclerosis, illustration - Illustrations
Illustration of damaged nerve cells caused by the degenerative disease multiple sclerosis. Immune system cells (microglia, orange) have attacked the nerve cell sheaths (myelin), resulting in damaged myelin (red) and disturbed signalling function between the nerves cells (neurons, blue). Multiple sclerosis is a progressive disorder that can cause tingling, speech disorders, lack of coordination, paralysis and death. The microglia cells attack the oligodendrocytes that form the insulating myelin sheath around neuron axons, leading to the destruction of the myelin sheath

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Getty ImagesNerve Damage In Multiple Sclerosis Illustration, Photo
Téléchargez des illustrations Nerve damage in multiple sclerosis, illustration premium authentiques avec Getty Images. Découvrez des illustrations haute résolution similaires dans notre vaste catalogue visuel.Product #:1423882144

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Science Photo Library
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8000 x 6000 px (67,73 x 50,80 cm) - 300 dpi - 17 MB
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Catégories :
- Sclérose en plaques,
- Maladie auto-immune,
- Système nerveux humain,
- Auto-immunité,
- Gaine myélinique,
- Cellule,
- Endommagé,
- Maladie,
- Neurone,
- Sang,
- Microglie,
- Téléphone mobile,
- Macrophage,
- Axone,
- Condition,
- Dendrite,
- Système immunitaire,
- Communication sans fil,
- Fond noir,
- Horizontal,
- Illustration,
- Image en couleur,
- Immunologie,
- Matériau isolant,
- Sans personnage,