Cerveau osseux - Illustrations
A difficult labyrinth, brain shaped. You are in the central big neurone and you have to scape travelling through neurone ramifications (axon). Imagine a 3D tangle, you can cross under other axons or roads. If you are in a 3 ways crossroad, always continue in the same direction. You will finish when you reach spinal cord.

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Getty ImagesCerveau Osseux, Photo
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Catégories :
- Cerveau,
- Connexion,
- Dendrite,
- Intelligence,
- Activité,
- Aiguillage,
- Anatomie,
- Axone,
- Carrefour,
- Cellule,
- Cellule humaine,
- Communication,
- Complexité,
- Concepts,
- Contemplation,
- Couleur noire,
- Courbe,
- Créativité,
- Exploser,
- Frustration,
- Grillage,
- Illustration,
- Illustration biomédicale,
- Imagination,
- Internet,
- Motivation,
- Mouvement,
- Neurone,
- Origines,
- Problèmes,
- Santé et médecine,
- Solution,
- Technologie,
- Vectoriel,
- Électricité,